Repeatable local environments


Volker is a local development environment for PHP projects. It’s a CLI tool that builds on top of Docker to provide consistent and repeatable local environments without needing to learn and debug Docker configuration.


Rock solid local PHP development

If you run multiple projects on different PHP versions and have ever run into issues with PHP version switchers then Volker is what you’ve been looking for.

Volker supports all PHP versions from PHP 7.0 and newer and can also be setup to run with your choice of MySQL or MariaDB.

Built for PHP development, by PHP developers

We build and maintain many PHP projects for ourselves and our clients, all of which can have a variety of dependencies. Volker enables us to unlock the power of Docker to provide consistent and repeatable development environments across the team without the complex configuration overhead.

Optimised for Laravel

Get up and running with a Laravel project in seconds. Using the Laravel template, Volker automatically creates an environment with PHP, Nginx and your choice of database. It can also optionally create Redis and/or Horizon if this is something your project needs and Mailhog for testing email sending services.

Perfect for WordPress

Volker understands both traditional and Bedrock based WordPress setups and can be used to quickly create optimised development PHP environments. WP-CLI is installed as standard and Redis and Mailhog can easily be added to the environment.

Volker also supports Multisite setups, including SSL based subdomain sites.

Key features

What can Volker do?

Built on Docker

Unlock the power of Docker containers without needing to write the configuration yourself

Simple CLI interface

Easily setup and manage projects with an easy to use CLI interface

Supports all PHP versions

Built in support for PHP 7.0 to 8.2, no need for temperamental version switchers

Choose your database

Built in support for your choice of MySQL and MariaDB. Use in a container or the one installed on your host machine

Works with any PHP framework

Pre-built templates for WordPress and Laravel but works also with any PHP framework

Local SSL development

Supports SSL for local development as well as subdomain routing

Supports Redis & Horizon

Easily add Redis and/or Horizon to your setup if your project requires it

Safely test mail delivery

Simply add a Mailhog container to catch and view outgoing emails sent from your system

Share links externally

Create ngrok links to share with other members of your team

Easily QA features

Create snapshots of code and share a QA ngrok link whilst continuing to develop on a different branch

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